Tuesday, September 18, 2012

We Are Family

We are Family

I saw this picture posted by a friend on FB the other day. I had to laugh, because that is totally how I feel.

Have you ever done something or joined a group that changed the way you look at everything??

I've actually written a few blogs, but haven't been able to get them posted about this subject. The subject of how my life has been revolutionized in the span of two months.

I have never spent so much money on anything in my life and not felt guilty one second about it. Jeep...defined as "Just Empty Every Pocket"

I haven't felt this interested in a subject since I was a student athletic trainer...in high school.

If you are one of my oldest and dearest you have no idea what the man is saying in the picture, because I didn't two months ago. Don't worry, I'm not done with you, but if you're new to my life and don't get it, well, you don't get it.

For the novices, those initials are all types of Jeeps. I'll admit it, I'm a nut. Trainer A thinks I joined a cult. I sort of did. Can I offer you some koolaid?? Purple or red??

Since the first weekend in July I have spent countless amounts of brain power learning about my automobile and myself. I have a list that grows everyday with something to make Beevo look or perform off-road better. I started small, but am now moving on to some major modifications. I consider them major, others think its cute and pat me on the head!

When I first brought Beevo home my intention was to have something I would look good driving in while wearing short shorts and a tank top. He was cute with his stock tires and full bumper. A little calf.

Once I met the HJP and TJ groups I realized cute is another word for dull and tiny!

My first move was to get bigger tires. That made him look tougher.

The second move was to "shorten his mustache". This involved shortening his front bumper after he got his first trail dimple.

**dimple on driver's side bumper
**shortened bumper

Man, now he's starting to look like a roping steer rather than a calf.

We had a bit of a snafu this last week. After a course of terrible events I did not have the energy to put the back windows on Beevo before going to work. Well, September has been a bit of a b-word and so Mother Nature joined in on the fun. She decided to throw sideways wind and rain into my beloved. I got to the Jeep Friday night to find easily two inches of water on my front passenger floor board. That is just what I was able to see, in reality my entire carpet was SOAKED.

Again, terrible events collided and I was unable to deal with the situation until Sunday. Outlaw helped me cut out the carpet and it's drying in my garage. I'm not sure if I will put it back in. I want to rubberize the flooring instead. I may put the carpet back on top of the RhinoLiner.

More money...oh well, in the long run it will be better. So many things will be better. Seriously, my list grows everyday.

I love it. I love learning a new term or about a new part. This is something that is so completely mine. I didn't ask permission from anyone. I was in a situation this summer where I had a little extra cash to get started. I am not doing it to please any one person. I'm doing it for me.

My dear friends don't understand that every conversation must start with "so in the Jeep I was". My students laugh at me, but the guys kind of get it and let me ramble. The girls just think it's cool I have a Jeep.

I've learned the names of individual people don't matter, they go by the name of their Jeep. How awesome for someone who writes a blog?!? Automatic nicknames!

I am also quickly understanding that no one is alone in this world. I used to think I needed to do it on my own. Now I know I can't, I don't have the knowledge, Beevo isn't big enough yet, and it's just unsafe. If I am in trouble I must and am able to ask for help. And when I do, it is right around the corner, even if it's just a question posted on Facebook or a text message.

I have seen a lot of south and central Texas in the Bull. From our pre-HJP/TJ trip to Padre to College Station. Beevo and I have put 6000 miles in together since June 1, with more to come! Saturday we will go back to College Station and Brazos Valley Off-Road Ranch. In November we will take our new longer legs to Arkansas of all places. Have you ever heard me say it would be fun to go to Arkansas? Except for a friend in East Texas, has anyone?? However, there is an off-road facility there and a large group of people are going to convoy up and play for a couple days.

Gas prices suck, I know this, but so does sitting at home. I don't sit well. I need to be outside. I need to be around people.

In two months I have allowed myself to splurge and do things I never in my life thought I would. I never thought I would seriously spend two days hammering over the different types of lifts I could get. That's what I did this weekend. If I'm not driving my Jeep I am doing something to make it better. There is no end to this game. As Outlaw says "Wheel what you got until it does not do what you want. Then We can build it up as a team and make it do it !"

Notice the "we" is capitalized.

You've heard it said, "it's a Jeep thing". It's true. It's a group of people sharing a common goal of getting out and testing our self and mechanical limits.

We are family!

Inspiration song...We Are Family by Sister Sledge

1 comment:

  1. I could not have put it more eloquently then that...... I got my jk in 2010, she is now sporting 56,000 miles of pure fun. I smile everytime I walk up to her and jump behind the wheel. Life is so dull when I put the doors back on her:( unrolled of course I'm our on a trail climbing over rocks,splashing through rivers and spitting up the mud.... It is a jeep thing!!!!
